Create Bot for texting new followers on tiktok

Hi all,

I am currently trying to build a small chatbot, that says hello to new followers on my TikTok account.

Have you guys any suggestions on how to start, or how the process might look (based on best-practices). I am pretty new to this and I would really appreciate some expert insights. :slight_smile:

All the best

Hi @Patrick_Neumer

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Interesting use-case. I suppose you are using the web automation?

Some things to consider:

  1. First thing to figure out would be finding out when someone followed you. Does TikTok send you an email when that happens? Then you could run your robot every hour and see if you got any new emails from TikTok. If they have an API and a webhook service, you could use Orchestrator API and play around Queue items and Queue triggers.
    If none of the above, you will need to scrap some web page for new followers using UI Automation
  2. Then, you would need to reply to the user based on the fact that they followed you.

I have limited experience with TikTok UI and capabilities, so you might want to provide some screenshots for others who will be willing to pick it up from here and help you out :slight_smile:

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Hello Patrick,
Check these videos, to see what I did with Slack and MS Teams:

Cristian Negulescu