I have a PDF with the following structure:
I want to convert the PDF into a datatable. I tried with no success using the following activities:
i) data scrapping
ii) screen scrapping with native, fulltext, OCR options
iii) read PDF with OCR
iv) read PDF text with Generate Data Table
Currently, I am using the string manipulation to get the PDF information I need by using the String.Split(). I will be reading multiple PDF files, whose text size is variable except the image titles (bold text). In addition, UiPath is case sensitive to text extracted and therefore, I do not consider this as reliable solution.
Could someone tell me how can I convert this PDF to a datatable?
I would like to have like this:
Column 1 Column 2
Row 1 Moeda EUR
Row 2 Montante O montante mínimo de constituição é de 250,00EUR...
Row 3 Reforços São admitidos reforços em qualquer momento, devendo obedecer...