Couldnt find Write range in latest version

Hi i am New to UI Path. I am reading separate column in a excel and planning go save it in new file. I am not able to find excel write range. Can help me to advise how to achieve it.

Hello Vignesh,

Good Day.!

Would it be possible for you to mention the version of the package ‘UiPath.Excel.Activities’ you are using in your project?


Hi @vignesh.maruthappan

You are using the right activity. Under What to Write pass the datatable variable and where to write pass WBS.Sheet("Sheet1").

Hope it helps

Thanks, and got it.But i get a Runtime execution error.

The version of excel package is V2.22.3

Hi @vignesh.maruthappan

What is the linq query you have written.


Hey vignesh,

Can you check if ‘Write range workbook’ activity in activities pane.?


Hi @vignesh.maruthappan

Try this way:

Hope it helps

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