Copy Updated Studio Activity Packages to Orchestrator Feed - PLEASE HELP

We are currently running on Studio & Orchestrator versions 2018.2.4.

Since our last install/upgrade last Fall, there have been several upgrades to activities in Studio… some of our developers have downloaded them, others have not.

How do we properly copy these updated activity packages from Studio to our Orchestrator feed, which we use as our central repository?

If I look at the Studio Activity feed, the folders appear to be in a different format and have version numbers after them. The Orchestrator feed does not, which tells me updating the Orchestrator feed is NOT as simple as copying the contents of the Studio feed (C:\Users\tclukay\AppData\local\uipath\Activities) to the Orchestrator feed (\mdv-roborc01\c$\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\NuGetPackages\Activities).



Hi @tclukay

Could you contact our technical support for the most accurate information? It seems like a best way to proceed if the Forum users were not able to help here.
Same goes for your previous query about licensing. I believe this would be the support form then.

Hi @tclukay,

Did you find a resolution for this issue? Would be glad if you can share the solution.


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Sorry for the delay responding, everyone. Got pulled off this task for a bit, but finally got back to it and got the answers I needed.

Before posting what I found, one quick caveat. Because we are still “back level” (meaning we are running version 2018.2.3), this is a completely manual process. I believe there are many package/activity feed enhancements in verstions 2018.3+, but the solution I needed was for an older implementation.

That said, it turns out if you are running 2018.2 or earlier, the process of updating the Orchestrator feed is much easier than originally thought. You literally just have to copy the updated .nupkg to your Orchestrator feed (…\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\NuGetPackages\Activities). That’s it! Orchestrator will handle updating any of the other folder structures in the Activities folder automatically.

Once the new files are in the Orchestrator feed, and assuming you have set up Orchestrator as a valid package source in Studio, Studio will now see the updated packages in the Orchestrator feed, and you can update from that location… which now allows us to use Orchestrator as our “central repository” for all of our Studio developers, helping ensure they all are developing using the same package/activity versions.

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