Update Activity Package version in the Orchestrator

Hi everyone,

I’ve just come across an error in development regarding chrome. After troubleshooting, I’ve defined the following approach, update activity packages and, eventually, update studio and orchestrator versions.

Regarding the first one, I’ve started by updating the activity packages in the Studio. Now, to enable the same activity packages to everyone I want to upload to the same version on the Orchestrator since there’s no automatic push from the Studio, where can i find packages such as Uipath.Excel.Activities to download and then upload in the Admin Console in the Orchestrator?

Second question, imagine that every process uses a different version of that package, I will only need to have them all available at the Orchestrator so that each one of the processes can consume the version that is defined for that process. Am I right?

Thanks in advance,

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Hi @rfr.ferreira

If I got it right, you want to force your process to only use specific version of the Excel package (for example)?

If so, you could set the package versions to Strict over here:

The official activity packages are normally available via the official package feed, which should pick the right version (old versions are not deleted, unless for some very rare and very specific reasons).

You can read more about the package feeds here:

and here:

You find the Activities packages in C:\Users\yourusername\.nuget\packages