Hi I have a doubt.
I have text in 2 separate notepads. I need to merge both the note pads and convert to pdf and send as a mail.
Can anyone help me with this.
Thanks in advance
Hi I have a doubt.
I have text in 2 separate notepads. I need to merge both the note pads and convert to pdf and send as a mail.
Can anyone help me with this.
Thanks in advance
my data is in notepad
Hi @honey.123.631 ,
Take an array and store the directory path where your text files store.
In “for each” loop take “if condition” in if condition put “Path.GetFileName(currentitem).ToString.Contains(“txt”)” to process only text or notepad data so that in future you may have no of notepad files .in that you take “append text” activity to append the data in various text files.
Outside for each loop use:
Use Word Application Scope: give fileName: ConsolidatedData.docx, Use Append Text Activity.
Use Save Document as PDF and give somefilename.pdf.
Use the PDF wherever you want.
Hi @adiijaiin Can you please share through xaml as I am getting an error
You can go through this:
TempDoc.docx (11.7 KB)
WordData.xaml (6.5 KB)
file1.txt (28 Bytes)
file2.txt (25 Bytes)
GeneratedPDfFile.pdf (36.8 KB)
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