Compilation failed or cancelled Error

Hi all,

We have a custom packages created by some team from our company and it was working in 2021 version but now we have windows 11 machine and 2024.10 version of UiPath.Since then we couldnt install the packages as its saying its not compatibles.So the other team worked on it and they have pushed the latest pacakges we are ale to install them but getting error during compilation. attaching the pictures for reference.

Could you please anyone help on this??


Try these steps to fix the “Bad IL format” error in UiPath Studio:

  • Reinstall Dependencies: Remove and reinstall UiPath.EmguCV.Bundle from Manage Packages.
  • Check .NET Compatibility: Ensure UiPath Studio and .NET versions are up to date.
  • Delete Corrupt Files: Delete UiPath.EmguCV.Bundle from C:\Users\apula\.nuget\packages\ and restart UiPath Studio.
  • Disable Antivirus: Some security software may block .dll files.
  • Run as Administrator: Launch UiPath Studio with admin rights.


Thanks for responding. I don’t have UiPath.Emgucv.bundle in my dependencies.And also can you let me know how to check the studio and .net versions are up to date?

The person who developed the custom packages used .net 6 version and UiPath 2024.10 is targeting .net 4.6.1 !! Could that be an issue?

I’m pretty sure the guy above just threw your issue into a GPT and parrotted the reply as its not accurate at all.

Your issue si for sure .NET compatibility.
They developer made they code compatible with ‘Windows - legacy’ projects, which are 32bit and have been phased out. ‘Windows’ and ‘Cross Platform’ projects are 64 bit and require .NET 6.0 or higher (I think thats the min).
Studio itself I think is on .NET 7.0 or 8.0 by now.

You need to get the original dev to update their code.


Thank you.How to check the .net version using by UiPath. I have checked few articles and they mentioned to check in registry editor App and there it was showing like 4.8.1 or Higher .net version.

If .net version is the issue can we upgrade the .net version to make it compatible with the Custom packages. As i was getting conflict messages when i tried to install the custom packages at first

Its important on a per project level, not in Studio as Studio can support projects on lots of different versions.

You can see the version of the project in the bottom right hand corner after you open it.

It will say if its in C# or VB and what compatibility it is

@Jon_Smith As you mentioned
i just checked the project and found below

I answer this question by using GPT and checking the answers I get, and I add my own technical knowledge to my answer.

I recommend you to review the Check .NET Compatibility: heading. You gave a similar answer to the one I gave.

@Jon_Smith Yes! they did developed which were compatible for windows legacy but now they worked on it and gave us the new version that is getting issues when we install and compiling the BOT.Is there any fix that we could from UiPath Side or the other person should work on his side? Please help me on this

Ok, then please follow the forum guidelines and explicitly state that you used an LLM to generate your answer.

The new version looks like it only works in Windows Legacy, you can confirm with them. Ask if its 32 bit or 64 bit and want .NET framework version its made on, if its 32 bit its not compatible.

The important thing is to understand a problem, do research and solve the problem.

I’m not sure, but not having a UiPath.Emgucv.bundle dependency may cause an error.

@Jon_Smith Actually we have checked whether the new package is working fir Windows legacy Projects but unfortunately its not working for them. We were getting compatible issues and its working in Windows projects however getting issues after installation.As you suggested will check with him if he used 32 or 64 bit

Please refer to this forum FAQs there is a specific section on LLM usage.

Its important to add value and understand the error, and anyone can already put something into GPT.

Its also important to be respectful of the forum rules and guidelines and follow them, I am requesting you do that.

Let me know how it goes.

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@tolgademir Not sure about that and i am not having that one in dependencies

Hey @Aswini,

Try this approach once.

  1. Take backup of your projects project.json file
  2. Close the project from studio
  3. Delete the project.json file
  4. Open the project by double clicking on Main.xaml
  5. Studio will rebuild the project.json file automatically

If i am uninstalling the custom packages the bot is working fine. So I believe the new packages causing the issue

Before warning me, please be respectful yourself. As I mentioned in my previous response, I tried to solve the issue by conducting research and using my own technical knowledge. Using GPT or researching on .NET forums are also valid problem-solving techniques. The word “parrotted” in the sentence you wrote is disrespectful

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