He mentioned the .net version is 6 and used 64 bit. If UiPath 2024.10. If he upgrade his .net to 7 version will the issue gets resolve?
Somethings not right then as if its 64 bit and .NET 6.0 it should be compatible.
You say you have other projects where it did work before? Can we compare? Or previous versions that worked we can downgrade to?
Yes, previous ones are Windows-legacy compatible and those are working fine earlier but that older packages are not compatible for windows projects. So they worked on the enhancement to make to compatible for windows projects. However we are to install them in windows projects, but they are causing errors now
I dont think they have updated them correctly. Is the package confidential or something that can be shared?
Can you also try adding the new package to a Windows Legacy project and see if it gives errors (it should).
yes its not working i am unable to install it as its throwing error saying not compatible
But its getting some error while trying to install it in Windows projects but after clicking on Yes its downloading but it has some error details attaching it fir reference
If it gets as far as saying there are dependency conflicts (which are a different error) it suggests that its indeed a windows - legacy compatibility still.
The way we can solve this once and for all is the inspect the nuget directly Can you try opening it in Nuget Package Explorer and share screenshots of what you see.
Need abit more than that please, whats in the lib folder etc for example
Please open in Nuget Package Explorer you should see this.
If, as per you other screenshots (please take proper screenshots, not with your phone as it makes it harder) the dll is just directly in the lib folder then I dont think that is packaged correctly.
I am working in Client VDI so unfortunately cant take screenshot so attaching pictures taken by mobile. BTW can you please help me how to open through Nuget Package Explorer?
Using a VDI in no way limits screenshots. You can take a screenshot of the VDI from the computer you are using.
uploading images is not supported in my computer as it has restrictions. Let me try sending it to my mobile teams and try from there
But can you help me with this nuget package explorer?
Its an app you can get from Microsoft, but regardless, if you don’t have a folder like I showed in the lib folder then I don’t think the package is compatible.
Ok, this is slow to figure out as you keep giving low context screenshots here, seeing the full folder path above would have shown the .net7.0 folder earlier.
Please stop using your phone and take proper screenshots.
You can take a screenshot using your desktop, even when using a VM.
Please show the original errors again, and make a clear screenshot that shows all the errors etc so we aren’t getting part of the picture.
the below error message im getting while installing the package
We have detected dependency conflicts. Expand details for more information on each conflict. Choose YES to apply all recommendations or NO to go back.
Package Dependency Conflict #1: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common
Type of conflict: Cousin Dependency Conflict
Details: Packages Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting, UiPath.System.Activities depend on different versions of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common, and cannot be installed in this configuration.
Recommendation: Choose YES to resolve to the higher version of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.
Package Dependency Conflict #2: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
Type of conflict: Cousin Dependency Conflict
Details: Packages Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting, UiPath.System.Activities depend on different versions of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp, and cannot be installed in this configuration.
Recommendation: Choose YES to resolve to the higher version of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.