Communication Error with Robot Service


@Palaniyappan @Yoichi @loginerror

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Pls make sure robot is created and connected with that machine as I could see the robot assistant shows CONNECTED AMD UNLICENSED

Usually unlicensed comes when robot is not yet created and assigned with the machine

Cheers @devashish1989

What steps to follow I dont see any option

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First let’s restart the robot service and give a try
Go to start → search as services → and click on that and search there for uipath robot and right click it and restart the service

This will work if you have already created the robot and connected to your machine

But if you haven’t created so far then have a view on this doc on how to connect robot to orchestrator

Cheers @devashish1989

Dont UiPath Robot service in services.msc

Now try reconnecting again in robot assistant and give a try if you have a robot created n orchestrator

If not create and then connect it to robot assistant



In what mode did you install UiPath? Service or User mode?



Busy with UiPath
Studio 2023.6.1-beta.13324 - 6/28/2023
Community License
Per-user Installation
License Provider: Orchestrator
Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

…yesterday, I saw this red notification ‘Robot Error’ on the status bar Studio, for the very first time; suddenly popping-up, didn’t do any strange things or witchcraft-like changes, just trying to figure out how to publish a custom made package up to Orchestrator Cloud.

What I noticed was the option on the Publish options tab > On the select list ‘Publish to’ the Orchestrator Tenant Processes Feed was not available (today it is)… …on that list nothing wasn’t selectable, only a term ‘custom’ was visible…

…as suggested on the docu’s, looking into ‘services.msc’, I could not detect a service name (read descriptions as well) which pointed to something what could lead, even a slight single character, to UiPath. So, to me this suggestion is eighter obsolete or ‘whatever’ …

…today (just paused, didn’t switch-off my device) I decided going back to the old days… …just pulled the plug to restart…

…guess what? Notification stays away!

…with a quick search in the Event logs, the one and only thing I could track, in relationship with UiPath on yesterday was :
“Name resolution timed out for the name after none of the configured DNS servers responded.”

…many things next to a ‘not-working-service’ (if such a service exists) can lead to this notification!

Happy days are here again!