Hi! I am new to UIPath and I was trying to make some simple robots.
I am having the same problem, except I am trying to start the task from command prompt with uirobot.exe -file “(path)”
In command prompt it gives the same message “Could not log in user to Orchestrator”, but I run the exact same command a couple more times and then it works.
I am trying to schedule the robot to run in the morning and then again in the afternoon.
It seems to work properly during a fresh boot (it hasn’t failed before in the morning) but in the afternoon it’s a hit and miss…
Hi Maciej, thank you for replying so quickly!
I am using UiPath Studio 2021.4.4 with Community License on Windows 10.
Sorry, how do I tell which Robot and Assistant I am using?
I made a simple flow and triggered it using a .bat file:
C:\Users.…\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-21.4.4\uirobot.exe -file "C:…\Reporting.xaml
There is no icon in the taskbar, I use windows scheduler to trigger the batch file above.
Thank you for more information. I would moved your posts to a new topic to better track the issue.
Just to further clarify - are you using the command line to also connect the robot to Orchestrator?
Could you give it a try by running UiPath Assistant as well and see if the behaviour will continue? (Assistant is just a GUI for the robot that also allows you to trigger the processes, but I am curious to see if having it open will prevent robot from disconnecting).
Currently it looks like the robot times out occasionally and it takes a few tries to kick start it before it reconnects to Orchestrator.