Column To HTML Activities

Hi everyone, i’d like to share my new custom activity. Feel free to use it and ask any questions

This package contains 2 activities: Convert DT column to HTML and Convert excel column to HTML

  1. Convert DT column to HTML - converts a DataTable column to HTML format.

  2. Convert Excel column to HTML - converts an Excel column to HTML format.

This is useful for when you need to send an email and include an excel column in your HTML body…

1. Convert DT column to HTML
a) In_columnName – name of column to convert to HTML
b) In_dt = datatable
c) In_outputTextFilePath (optional) – if filled in, it will also write the column into a text file (this is useful for SAP operations)
a) Out_columnListHTML – the output HTML text

2. Convert Excel column to HTML
d) In_columnName – name of column to convert to HTML
e) In_rangeToRead – excel range to read (“leave blank to read from A1”)
f) In_sheetName – name of sheet
g) In_excelPath- path of excel
h) In_outputTextFilePath (optional) – if filled in, it will also write the column into a text file (useful for SAP operations)
b) Out_columnListHTML – the output HTML text



thaks, i need to send column data through email and this is helpful

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Updated (version 1.0.1)

Added new argument for Convert Excel column to HTML
In_useFilter - if this is True, it will only read the filtered cells (if filter exists) and not the whole table.