Clipboard AI - Error when trying to paste data into Excel

Hello everyone, I’m using the AI clipboard, I copy the data from a PDF and when I try to paste it to an excel it shows the following error message:

Cannot find Excel process with ID: 12988

Has anyone ever come across this error?

Thank you!

Hi @David_Junior

Excel may not be running when you’re trying to paste the data. Ensure that Excel is open and a workbook is active.

This means that the Clipboard AI application is unable to find the Excel process that is running on your computer

It should be either running in background or not opened at all

Make sure that Excel is running and is visible and try again after restarting the clipboard application

Hope this clarifies

Cheers @David_Junior


When trying to paste the data the rwquired or target excel/application should be up and running and should be opened

Looks like it is not available or not opened.please check the same


@Anil_G @Palaniyappan @supriya117

Thank you for your feedback and attention.

I may be wrong, but notice from the screenshot below that excel is running, I can’t understand why I can’t find the service.

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Are you indicating the roght excel when pasting the data?

Can you please tell what steps you are following


Restart your machine once and try the below steps

Make sure you have the fields defined in excel as columns
So that clipboard ai can find the appropriate fields to fill the copied values
Once the analysis is completed, open the target window in order to execute the paste action.
Have the fields defined in that target location - here it’s excel

Click on the desired ‘Paste’ option as per your requirement and wait for the ‘Mapper’ window to appear. The ‘Mapper’ window gives a preview of the copied data, along with the mapped fields available in the destination window.
Then click on paste

Have a view on this complete steps

Cheers @David_Junior

Hi @David_Junior ,

I don’t know if you have found a solution back than and maybe it’s not relevant anymore, but for the sake of future references I share my experience/solution.
I have switched laptops and I bumped into the same issue on the new one. As it was working on the old I started comparing some settings, first in Excel.
The only thing I have noticed that UiPath Inc. was listed as a Trusted Publisher on the old (I think because of the Excel add-in installed from Studio) but not on the new. The easiest way would have been to install the add-in on the new machine, but I’ve received some errors (converting some Excel.Interop objects was unsuccessful). Based on that I assumed that it is something “deeper” so I decided to run the Office Repair Tool from Studio.
Executing it only for Excel didn’t work, but when I run the whole process it fixed both the add-in install and Clipboard AI issue.
I think the last option was the key.


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