i am getting error after extracting work item table. Please find screenshot.
Have you tested your system_extract_all_workitems.xaml workflow independently? Cross check if you are storing the extracted datatable from that workflow to the out argument. Also check if the out argument datatable is stored again to the datatable variable of Main workflow.
Rammohan B.
Please find screenshot. I have assigned the extracted datatable to out argument. and also in previous screenshot you can find assign activity for main. i have assigned the out argument to datatable variable. What can be the issue ?
@vinsmart06 you should not assign the output_datatable arguement directly to wilist.Create a local datatable variable and assign it to the arguement in invoked workflow.Then assign that variable to wilist.
@vinsmart06 Attach the screenshot of Import Argument for Invoke Workflow for system_extract_all_workitems.xaml workflow.
Rammohan B.
@Rammohan91 Please find screenshot
There you go. You haven’t assigned a datatable variable for the out argument. If output_datatable is your datatable variable under main.xaml, then that needs to be assgined.
Let me know if it helps.
Rammohan B.
Workflow of extracting table independently is not working. I dont think its about out argument.
Try to Provide some delay after updating workitem and select Item and check @vinsmart06
@vinsmart06 Are you still seeing this issue? If yes then i would suggest to hard code the status for the ‘Select Item’ activity with ‘Completed’ and then verify. After make sure that you are passing the proper string from Process.xaml when this workflow is invoked. I don’t see any issue with the selector, it should work.
Rammohan B