Click on field no matter whats in it

Hey guys,
I have the following problem in ui path studio: I want the bot to always click on a very specific field in a very specific line (in SAP). Currently, he only clicks on it if the number is the same as specified in the click actitity. But the number is constantly changing.
Any ideas how to fix this?

Thank you


If its a table it wpuld have column and row properties use them…and in selector remoce the innertext


Is a more detailed answer possible? Thank you Anil

can you please show us selectors ?


Open ui explorer and indicate the element…then from the centre top panel and the left top panel you can select and check what selectors work for you…mostly as mentioned earlier try finding a selector for column or row and no selector for innertext as it changes…innertext is the actual value

As you mentioned a specific area so try using other properties than innertext specific to that field
