Click activity managing depending on Excel row data

I need to click on “Pitch a song” depending on title from Excel row. So In this example first should be second “Pitch a song”, because “Desert Sunrise” is first on excel row. Can you help me with that? Should I use IF? I am free also to connect remotely so we can solve the problem - which would be easier for me to understand as well since I am new to UiPath. :slight_smile:


Follow the steps

  1. Open ui explorer from top menu
  2. Indicate any pick a song element
  3. Now scroll from bottom to top in the center menu(selector list) …and check the right menu (properties) …
  4. From the properties identify the row with innertext as the required song name or if i neer text contains the required song name…and select that row
  5. Now you have the selector that contains the required song…now select the song name in selector and right click to select a variable so that it can be made dynamic for the song you need
  6. Fromexcel read yhe data use a for each row in datatable and inaide that use the isentified selector in a click activity to click on pick a song option as needed and currentrow(“song”).Tostring will give you each song in excel

Hope this helps


HI @Chris_Balance

You can achieve this with Dynamic Selector

Checkout this


Hi @Chris_Balance

Connect if you still have issue.

Loveleet Saini

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