I have 2 tenants on one server (on-prem), with the same folders structure. Created 2 pipelines in Azure DevOps that point to each tenant, via separate service connections using separate External Apps (each per tenant).
Pipeline 1 deploys package and upgrades process successfully pointing to tenant 1 folder name XXX with folder id 111.
Pipeline 2 fails due to an ‘existing package’. Logs show that it is pointing to folder XXX with id 111, instead of 222.
This leads me to a conclusion that tenant name set up is Service Connections in ADO are ignored by UiPath Deploy activity.
Bug, or am I missing something?
Sure, hope the deploy part is sufficient:
- task: UiPathDeploy@4
orchestratorConnection: ‘Connection to Tenant 1’
packagesPath: ‘$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Output’
folderName: ‘XXX’
traceLevel: ‘Verbose’
Orchestrator Connection should point to Tenant 2 @jakubg
you are right. It does for tenant 2 pipeline
is the issue resolved or even after tenanat 2 is it still pointing to 111? @jakubg
the problem is that it should be pointing to tenant2/folderXXX(id222), but despite different service connections and external apps on separate tenants it still points towards tenant1/folderXXX(id111)
Chack and Try resetting the YAML configuratoin and Service connection for Tenant 2. @jakubg
Did that for both, thanks. No results