Chrome client area is "opaque" if UIPath opens Chrome

Odd problem here. My robot has been working great every day for weeks. Today it started failing when trying to control the Chrome browser. My web element is as easy as it gets. Just an HTML Id which has been working great for weeks.

Today… UIPath cannot find that element.

What I have noticed when troubleshooting is:

  • If I try to re-record that element in the chrome client area after UIPath has opened Chrome (i.e. from a previous failing run)… then the Chrome client area is opaque. By this I mean that none of the individual elements on the page appear to be seen by the UIPath recorder. The client area highlights as 1 big block.

  • If instead I open Chrome myself and then try to re-record that element in the chrome client area, then the individual elements on the page appear ARE seen by the UIPath recorder as individual elements. It’s not just one big block.

Any thoughts on this? I removed and re-added the chrome extension today just to ensure that’s not the problem.

I couldn’t reproduce with Studio CE 2017.1.6435. What studio version are you using?

did Chrome made any updates recently on that machine, when the Workflow started to fail?