Check if two strings are equal

Hello friends,
I am developing a workflow in which I have to check if a certain variable called Ag belongs to this table, in the column “Agenzia”:
Agenzie Monitorate.xlsx (17.0 KB)

**How is it possible to check if a number is present in a column inside an Excel file (Column Agenzia of the Excel attached) ** and perform actions in case the check is satisfied?
I thought of saving the column in a Ienumerable variable and check if the string I want to search is in this column.
How is it possible to do that?
Any other ideas?
Thank you so much friends.
It’s a little bit urgent.
Camilla :slight_smile:

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Hope the below attached helps you! (14.2 KB)


Hi @CamiCat I am attaching a worklow:
Make the changes as per yout criteria…i.e. assign variable to ag and change the path of excel application scope. I hope it’ll work :slight_smile:Agenzia.xaml (8.1 KB)


Thank you so much @Sarath and @Niket_Ghai.
Your workflows work, but I should insert this check inside a Decision Tree so It would be better to save the column in a Ienumerable variable and check if the string I want to search is in this column.
Is it possible to do that?
Thank you so much,
+Camilla :slight_smile:

@Sarath your answer was first so I pointed the solution to you :slight_smile:
@Niket_Ghai yours works perfectly fine as well, but we can only mark as a Solution one answer per topic :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much @ovi.
Unfortunately this solution doesn’t work for my case.
Is it possible to save the column in a Ienumerable variable and check if the string I want to search is in this column.?
Thank you so much friends,

Does this help?


hi Ovi, i don’t understand dataColumn is ambergu