One more query can we extended to multiple columns check
variable1= " Hello how are you doing today"
Assume datatable
Column 1 Column2 Column3
xxxa hello how
xxxb hi
xxxc yesterday you
for the same string we need to check in both column 2 and 3 based on that give output True or False?
because sometimes column 3 data will be empty for few row items and i need to ensure that column2 “hello” and column3 “how” is from the same row
if column 3 how is in diffrent row like below table it need to give False as output
Assume datatable
Column 1 Column2 Column3
xxxa hello me
xxxb hi
xxxc yesterday how
if i use InputDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) Variable1.Contains(x(“Column2”).ToString) and InputDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) Variable1.Contains(x(“Column3”).ToString)
its giving output as True instead of False
You are almost done try to use both the expression together at once
Like this
InputDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) Variable1.Contains(x(“Column2”).ToString AND Variable1.Contains(x(“Column3”).ToString)
Usually AsEnumerable will iterate more like for each row loop
So if you keep both the conditions together with and when it is iterating through each row this expression will check in one row and both the columns
No its giving wrong output which is True instead of False
in the above condition its checking for “hello” in row 1 and “how” in row 3 and giving output True but i need output as False because “hello” and “how” are not part of same row
InputDT.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) Variable1.Contains(x(“Column2”).ToString AND Variable1.Contains(x(“Column3”).ToString).CopyToDataTable.Rows.Count>0
With a shift to query syntax we can handle multiple columns without heavy concatening it manually
arrCheckCols | DataType: String() - String array
Values: your Columnnames of interest
E.g. arrCheckCols = {“Col1”. “Col3”, “Col4”}
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Let chk = arrCheckCols.Any(Function (x) variable1.Contains(d(x).toString.Trim))
Select b=chk).Any(Function (x) x)
We can integrate this request alternate by using row index info additional for checks, but the given sample looks like, that is not covering all scenarios.
Column 1 Column2 Column3
xxxa hello me
xxxb hi
xxxc yesterday how
xxxd hello how
xxxe you today
now a&c not true as different rows, d&e true, But d&e compared to Var1 different rows.
Maybe the requirment has to be adopted
A requirement, that matches has to be in same row and we want to know how many rows did match for this we can do:
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Let chk = arrCheckCols.All(Function (x) variable1.Contains(d(x).toString.Trim))
Select b=chk).Count
will return 1 in your second case from above, will return 2 in the alternate stress test case
Is it possible to fetch that column data? if the condition is true for the expression InputDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) Variable1.Contains(x(“Column2”).ToString))
Issue is resolved
InputDT.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) variable1.Contains(x(Column Index).ToString) AND variable1.Contains(x(Column Index).ToString))