Changing account in Getoutlookmailmessage

I am unable to extract data from my secondary outlook account. The workflow by default chooses my primary outlook mail account. How to change this?

Hi @kehew54078

Can you try to give Account


Hi @kehew54078

Give the name of the account in the properties.

For more info check the below thread

Below thread helps

Now this is showing


Have you created output variable of Get Outlook mail message activity? You need to pass that variable.


Yes. It is “Emails” which i have created as variable type List


No need to give it in curly braces you can directly give it. If possible can you please share xaml file.


I havent given curly braces. Rn if i put my primary outlook account, it works fine but if i write my secondary work account → it shows specified folder doesnt exist. Th eproblem is running in a loop. I cant share, sry


Check the scope of the variable

Im completely new here, how to share Xaml

i have got the output as required for my primary outlook account, so definitely no issues in the code or workflow. When i try to put other account name, i.e when i face the problem of the error folder doesnt exist!


Can you try with Get IMAP Mail message activity
