Change Unattended Robot packages Folder


We have robots connected to our Orchestrator. During package deployment, packages always deploy to the user’s profile (C: \ Users \ user01 \ .nuget).
Our internal configuration requires us to have a profile as light as possible.

How can we configure robots to deploy packages (and / or activities) in another local directory?

Extract :

After that I contacted Technical Support. This is their reply:
Thank you for reaching out to us!
This is a restriction as of now, we are implementing few changes and you will be able to customize the location of .nuget folder. This change is expected to be available in 2019.1 version of UiPath.

Is this change available ?

Thanks in advance



Just checked my 2019.2 UiPath Robot and did not find any configuration for moving the .nuget folder.

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Thank you for your quick return.

bad new for me :stuck_out_tongue:

We are looking for the same thing here. I hope it makes it in the next version.

We can configure the custom packages folder from 2018.4.4 version.

Release notes states,

You can now configure the location of your automation processes, for Studio and Robot, through the command line of the UiPathStudio.msi installer. This feature provides a customizable architecture to suit both strict deployments and hotseat scenarios. To read more about the newly added PACKAGES_FOLDER parameter and how to use it in your mass-deployment of Robots, see this page.

@Ncr_Hines @decalajoraire @hermawan


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