Instead of the package being published in “C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages” i want to change this location to some other location say “D:\MyNewLocation”. How can i achieve this ?
On the file %programdata%\UiPath\UiPath.settings you should be able change the value as under.
Note that if you connect your robot/pc to orchestrator it will change this setting to to : orchestratorURL\Nuget
“NuGetServerUrl”: “yourPath”
This is the current path - “NuGetServerUrl”: “%ProgramData%\UiPath\Packages”
It does not start with "C:" to denote that it is in C drive.
What should be the change so that the package can be placed in D drive (in any folder) ? Can you quote the path ?
NuGetServerUrl”: “D:\\MyNewLocation”” inside the setting file
try with double backslashes as follow.
For subdirectories, you also need double backslashes
If you don’t provide them correctly it will automatically revert the publish location back to programdata\packages
After changing the NuGetServerUrl path as below. The publish location is not changed, its till saving in “C:\Users\bmukka.nuget\packages\SnippRewardsAPIAutomation” Please find the screenshot below.
Do I need to select Custom radio button to publish in specific location.
Can you please suggest.
Flo or Someone might correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the package is published to the Orchestrator but also published to your local .nuget/packages. I checked in my environment where we are connected to an internal Orchestrator and the NuGetServerUrl is set to our Orchestrator feed, but it is also placing the packages in the local .nuget folder.
So, the setting to change the local .nuget location must be in a different file.
I think packages are gettings synced from the orchestrator at the location yes.
Let’s say from Bot1 you publish a package, you the deploy it as process against the environement, the bots (ex: bot 2 and bot3) will sync it.
I’m my head it is how it works, however I haven’t had chance to experiments too much since 2018.3.
I’m on the move to the dev conf so no chance to check now!
Did you had any chance to have a look? can this sync possible between bots if we placed in shared drive/path?
Yo can do with the instructions below;
If your UiPath version post 2018.4.5;
Open and edit UiPath.config (by default, this file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio) to include the following lines:
<add key=“packagesInstallationFolder” value=< desired installation folder/ >
The file should look something like this.