UiPath.Config - Install The Activity Packages In A Different Location

How to install the activity packages in a different location?

Installing the packages in a different location can be configured during the installation or after the installation of the UiPath Studio. Please follow the below steps:

  • During the installation of UiPath Studio\Robot: Adding the PACKAGES_FOLDER parameter in the command line enables the change of the download location of your workflows and their dependencies for Studio and / or Robot. This folder can be user specific or accessible by all users from a machine. This parameter can be used even if the Robot is installed as a service or in user mode. If you do not provide this parameter the default folder is %userProfile%\\.nuget\\packages.
Note 1: This parameter was added from the 2018.4.4 version of the UiPath Studio.msi. Any version lesser than this wouldn't have this parameter with the .msi file. Please refer this link for more details on this.

Note 2: User specific package locations are also possible. In order to do this, one can pass %userprofile% variable in the command line for the PACKAGES_FOLDER attribute. For eg. "C:\Packages\%userprofile%" (online documentation talks about having '^' character before the environment variable. If there are issues after passing "C:\Packages\^%userprofile%", do try re-installing without the '^' character.
  • After the installation of UiPath Studio\Robot: To change the packages or the activities path after the Studio\Robot is setup, UiPath.Config is the file that needs to be looked for. Under the node, please add a line as follows: <add key="packagesInstallationFolder" value="C:\Custom location\" /
Note: Restart the UiPath Robot service (Type: services.msc in the run command -> Search for UiPath Robot) after making the changes.
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