Change status from new to in progress


in my automation I am getting the queue items as the IEnumberable.
I need to perform actions for all the items with specific Reference. They are added by different processes. It is working fine but I am having issues with changing the statuses of them. I tried to change to status from New to Successfull at the end and this is not possible.
I tried to change the status from new to in progress once I collect them but I don’t think it is possible as well.
Does anyone see any other solution to that?


Normally the status get changed from New to In progress using Get Transaction Item activity.

In your case you might be using Get Queue Items activity hence it’s status still remaining as new.

Using Orchestrator API is the only option you have.

Use the get transaction status to change status from new → in progress.
If you get the reference of the queueitem you want to take in progress, setting this as filter in the get transaction item gives you control on which one to pick up:

Hi, @camaro123

It can be help to you

This activity sets an in progress item to either failed or success.
His request was to set an item from new to in progress.

Also, I used Add Transaction Item. It automatically added inprocess queue data

Yes, but… the queue items already exist. Adding one creates a duplicate than or am I mistaken now?