Change schedule if attended robot is running

Hello all,

I have a robot A run as attended using user in the credential,
how to reschedule all un-attended robot using same credentials ,

i did small solution the other way around
by using assets in case of un-attended robot run userInuse=True, and it will block the attended run by terminate flow.

but couldn’t figure the first part, can we lock credential or something?


Hi Hazem,

There is no way to lock assets in UiPath Orchestrator, however, the closest feature you can use is by using Orchestrator Queue.

  1. Add a queue item (or more) with the name of the credential assets.
  2. Every time the project runs, at the Init State of your framework (maybe ReFramework), you can Get Transaction Item from the credential name queue, therefore this will be the lock state of the credential.
  3. Lastly, there are multiple ways to unlock the credential but the simplest way is to add a new queue item back into the credential name queue at the End State of your framework.

For the other robot, you can implement a loop to wait for the credential to unlock, or you can simply terminate the process and it will run again on the next schedule run.
