Change PDF File to Excel File

Hi @ClaytonM

To Convert to PDF File to Excel File ,in PDFfile we have to two types of header

page1-10 one header Part and page 11-20 we have another Header Part is there .how we can able to convert this ?

hi @RaviDevaraj

1.Use read pdf text with ocr and range give 1-10 and store the value in string
2.Use read pdf text with ocr and range give 11-20 and store the value in string
3.use Write range activity and mention the range based on the header part

Ashwin S

Pdftext.xaml (8.8 KB)
Refer this file @RaviDevaraj

*Build data table with columns defined
*Use Start process and provide executable file of default pdf reader

  • Use read pdf with Ocr and provide the range 1-10 and read pdf with Ocr and provide the range 10-20 in properties and pass the extacted variables using add data row to datatable
  • use write range to write to excel file

Thanks for your response .
I am using read pdf text and in Read Pdf with OCR asking Drop OCR engine activity here ?

i am using assign activity for header part and remaining what need to do i dont know

can you please help me !!!

my xaml file here : Main.xaml (17.6 KB)

i cannot able to upload my sample PDF file [throws an Error : Too Big size : 13.7 MB]

Use Google Ocr or Microsoft ocr

Follow this process

In Build table I Need to create a column by manually !

Main.xaml (19.6 KB)

Hi @sreekanth
Thanks for your Sample Build Data Table and Your step-by-step Guidelines too.

As Like you said i have created the Build Table and read file OCR you Done.

Then using Assign activity i List out the Header Part [14 assign activity] and Add Row activity and write CSV File.

Note : In My PDF File totally 431 Pages
i.e., Page No : 1-17 One header Part and contains the Data.
Page No : 18-431 Second Header Part is and contains the Data.
Then Each and Every transaction we have the total values at the end.
Second Part page no is my focus : 18-431

My xaml file executing 4 minutes and throwes an error :


In Property windows: Need to set any Value !!!

My Updated xaml File Here:Main.xaml (26.5 KB)

Are you there @sreekanth


Click on Google Ocr,In the properties panel,Create an output variable in Text field @RaviDevaraj
pdfreader.xaml (23.7 KB) Once Refer to this file

I have created already “header1”

in my xaml file i build the data table and using read pdf with ocr and google ocr after that i used the Assign activity all assign activity throws an ERROR like object references why ?

Below that Add rowdata activity enter all header value,and using write csv activity
i cannot able to create this variable type:

How to create this ?


You want to use this variable in write range?If yes try to change the scope of variable and try

the variables which you are assigning does not contain any value.Try to use writeline and check whether it has any value

No, in Assign activity i decleared as files variable = Directory.GetFiles(“C:\Users\ravi_d\Downloads\Ameritas - 02-28-2018.pdf”)

for this i want to create variable type as :string i cannot able to find?

for this issues what can i do for this
Please find the my xaml file Main.xaml (27.4 KB)


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select array in variable type and choose string

You have use readfile in assign activity.Try to use Writeline activity and pass readfile and check whether any value is displayed

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so now i need to remove all Assign activity and newly need to create Write line Activity ?


No,Just add below and check your output console whether it has any value writeline

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Hi @sreekanth
No throws an error see the error screenshot :

i think in my xaml build data table,read with PDF,Google OCR,Add row dat,write csv activity only correct rest of things all shows an error only [ I Think ].


The code which you assigned to readfile variable does’nt return any value.This is the reason for your error.Try to change the code so that it returns a value and also you need to complete the academy training so that you have better idea of implementing it

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To get a value how we need to do in that ?

For that i can assign Readfile=Directory.GetFiles(“C:\Users\ravi_d\Downloads\Ameritas - 02-28-2018.pdf”) like this is Possible to get the values !!


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assign the output of read pdf with ocr to readfile,I went through your .xaml file.Its header1.Assign this to readfile and check

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