Cannot run excel when set process as a background process

Hello everyone
In my process I am using excel activities ,when I set the process as a foreground process and run it from orchestrator or studio it works without any error .
but when I set the process as a background process I can run it from studio but when I run it from orchestrator I get this error message:
Excel Application Scope: Failed opening the Excel file . Possible reasons: the file is corrupt, the file is already used by another process or you don’t have permissions to open the file



Check whether the file is available in the path which you provided?

Is your bot license is unattended / Attended


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Check @ahmad-zaitouni whether excel process is running already

So for safety put a kill process activity to kill excel process at the beginning of Workflow

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yes it is available , I can use the same file when I set process as foreground process

the bot license is non-production , I will set it as unattended and test it

I already kill excel process before use any excel activity

Which activity you are using?

I tested it with unattended and got same error

I tested excel scope activities and workbook activities and got same error

I was running into this issue and found this note on the UiPath documentation page for background processes:

“When running Background Automations via Unattended Robots, using Microsoft Offce applications such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint might not work properly as they have been built to run in User-Session, meaning that they need an interactive desktop session and user profile. For additional information on how Office 365 Products work with Server Sessions(session 0), see the Server-side Automation of Office document from Microsoft.”

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