Hi all,
my Robot is running very well in Studio, but if I want to run unattended on the Bot Server I get the following error message:
Cannot create unknown type ‘{http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities}StartProcess’.
The same if I try to run it from Command Line on the Bot Server.
Version is 19.10.2 and UiAutomation Activities is 20.4.2
Is this a problem?
Thanks Volker
Hello @Volker_Hofheinz1,
Ensure that you use the right version of the packages on a given version of studio. In case you are using UiPath Studio Version 19.10.2, ensure that you have the following dependancy package version :
Also ensure the robot is also Version 19.10.2 for best results.
Hope that helps ! Kudos
okay I will try this. But we had help from UiPath and there they told us that this is no problem to have different versions.
Regards, Volker
Hello @Volker_Hofheinz1,
Also if you are runnning the orchestrator on prem & if both the Orchestrator & Robot Servers don’t have Internet connectivity, then you will have to ensure that all the workflow dependancies are uploaded to the libraries section of orchestrator (Default packages will already be present, you just need to add the ones that are missing).
Hope that helps ! Kudos
both Servers have Internet connectivity. That could not be the probelm.
Regards, Volker
Hello @Volker_Hofheinz1,
Do you mean both servers don’t have internet connectivity ?
No, they both have Internet connectivity!
Regards, Volker
Hello Nithin_P,
yes of course. I just try to run from Orchestrator. But the new packages were not published to Bot Server. I actually copy them manually and try again. Hope that works.
Hello @Volker_Hofheinz1,
If the robot fails to install the process nuget package it’s clear indication that it’s not able to find some dependancy nuget package. Can you share the dependancy package list here ? Something like this :
I copied the packages in the following folder:
Hope that is correct.
Thanks, Volker
You should go check in the Orchestrator UI whether the packages are now present.
Otherwise you can upload them through the UI rather than copy them to the folder.
Hello @Volker_Hofheinz1,
Copying the NuGet packages to the robot machine that too a production robot machine is not recommended rather lets get to the root cause of the issue.
If the orchestrator is a lower version at 19.10.2 as per the info you have provided earlier. Please check if all the NuGet packages mentioned under dependencies in your project is available in orchestrator under libraries section.
More importantly why do you have beta version of the packages? I believe this is a process that will be deployed in production. Please use only stable versions of any package. (It’s just a best practice)