"cannot automate internal browser pages" selectors issue

Unable to get information from Chrome internal page → “chrome://inspect/#pages” url.
Selectors throwing the following error message.

Cannot access the indicated browser window.
You cannot automate internal browser pages or the “new tab” page.

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Check with the selectors whether it is valid or not


error message screenshot attached.

Selector is getting validated after selecting OK in above screenshot, but it throws error when running the file.

Is that activity placed inside ATTACH BROWSER activity


Yes, i have tried placing the activity within Attach browser and also outside Attach browser. Same issue occurs.

can you please let me know how to select an element in chrome internal browser pages because i am facing mentioned error during that time itself.

Hi @Chimbu ,

Please use a mix of Attach Window activity (https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/window-scope) and Active Accesibility UI FRamework (https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/uipath-explorer)

in order to automate the instances where UiPath is throwing
Cannot access the indicated browser window.
You cannot automate internal browser pages or the “new tab” page.
Do not use Attach Browser

Hope it helps!
Best regards,

Hey guys,

I tried Marius’ suggestion which did work but in the end I turned on Modern Design and imported a routine I had used in another modern design project as I didn’t want to recreate all of the selectors again. So this project has a mixture of old and new style activities - not sure how well that’s going to pan out.

Interestingly the situation I had was that I never got the error when running the project on my own machine but did get it when running on a VM. The differences where that the VM had an older version of UiPath Studio and an older version of Chrome, I upgraded both on the VM and it still didn’t work so maybe something to do with configuration - maybe the package versions are different but I didnt have the time to narrow it down