I want to automate a desktop application called GIMP. But it doesn’t seem to work. Can some one help please? Thank you very much.
what’s wrong it? uipath is unable to select an item.
yes it cannot select any item
when i use the click activity, it just give me the whole window instead of individual buttons
Yes, it will, I’m able to select an item,
I wanted to click on Recent New link and uipath is able to do that.
i guess you have not installed Chrome extension, please do it and let us know.
Oh, it’s software.
can you try using Basic Recording instead Desktop Recording?
it dosen’t seem to work. I find that i can capture buttons for certain apps. But for this app and some photo manipulation apps, uipath cannot get the buttons at all
Now I have only one option to tell you, give a try with mouse(click image) and keyboard automation.
it works! thank you so much. But do you know whats the reason for it not able to detect buttons for certain apps?
I guess it’s citrix software like SAP where uipath cant help us detect an ui element.
I’m not recommending, but if you scan above two weblinks, will get it.