Can we change in Input Excel file after Publish?

Hi I am using Excel file data as Input, but after publishing if I am updating anything in my excel, Robot is not picking new updated data from my excel it is still taking old data.

Excel is in document>uipath> project folder.

Can you please guide what is the issue here ?

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Specify absolute path instead of relative path and then try once. It will work for sure and you no need to publish project again and again if you change anything inside excel file.

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If you are talking about changing the input file path for after publishing the package on orchestrator, then all you can do is, to have the input argument variable and default value in it.

Whenever you want to change the input file path, you can change it (or keep the default one), while you run the job, or schedule the job.

Hope this gives you an insights.

Thanks and Regards,

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Do I need to change my path from all places of Read range. As of now it is set to “Data/File.xlsx”

And one more thing can you please suggest what will be absolute path for below relative path-

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As I can see, you are using the project file path in your variable.

I assume your project folder name is “ABS”, and when you use the path in Read Range, you are using “Data/File.xlsx”, which is fine.

Considering that we are discussing about the “Data/File.xlsx”, you dont need to use “C:\Users\nitin\Documents\UiPath\ABC\Data\File.xlsx”.

Reason:- Because, when you publish your project package on orchestrator (ie:- \ABC), you are publishing the entire project instance, and not only “Main.xaml”

Hence, if you want to use ANY file which is there in the path (ABC) then that can be done using the relative path (eg:- Data\File.xlsx) or (eg:- Data\Main.xaml) or (eg:- Data\Text.xls)

So you never need to use any path like (“C:\Users\nitin\Documents\UiPath\ABC\Data\File.xlsx”)

Hope this helps.

Kindly mark this as solution if it helped you in any way.

Thanks and Regards,

I am using “Data\File.xlsx” only while reading or writing from excel.
I have not used anywhere “C:\Users\nitin\Documents\UiPath\ToscaNGA_Alarm\Data”
in my process.

That is why I am not sure why robot is not picking my updates from excel, even result is not getting printed despite it is picking my old data, don’t know from where ?


I guess, I might need to look at it in the detailed manner before I could comment anything about it.

Fine buddy
Please don’t keep the excel file in the project folder if we want to make changes in that file and later that updated file is to be used and avoid frequent publishing of the project

Instead save the excel file in a different folder apart from project folder and mention the full path of the excel file in excel application scope in the workflow

So that whatever changes is made in the excel we don’t need to re publish the project again and update the new version in the orchestrator

Cheers @nitinsenger



It is absolute path of that file. You need to specify as it is and then it work.

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