Can I run a process with a licensed unattended robot?

Can I run a process on machine with a unattended robot only. orchestrator and studio is not installed in the machine.I have only one unattended robot license in that machine. And I will be placing the published package in the packages folder. Is this possible? Or anyone can guide me to do the same

Hi @Anju_Jacob,

You can run as follows.

In CMD, Execute the following command:

“C:\Users\dines\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.6.0-beta0093\UiRobot.exe” -file “C:\Users\dines\Documents\UiPath\botdemo\Main.xaml”

Replace your UiRobot.exe path and Mail xaml file of the project.

Warm Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

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You can try as below


When I tried this the studio is opened but process did not run

Hi @Anju_Jacob,

Kindly share the command you have used, So that i can understand want went wrong.

Warm Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

I would not advise to run the xaml file. Rather use the nupkg package.
Read this page

and check this one:

I think you can decide what option you would like to use.

Just be aware if you are using Enterprise or community edition

“C:\RPA\DataProcessing\Main.xaml” this was the command I have used and UiRobot.exe was already running in the machine so I didn’t executed the first command.
Thanks in advance

Hi @Anju_Jacob,

It is a single command. Kindly replace your correct UIRobot.exe path and file path.

“C:\Users\dines.…\UiRobot.exe” -file "C:\Users\dines.…\Main.xaml”

Warm Regards,
Ranjith Udayakumar

Hi, welcome to the community!
Please look at the documentation: