Can i open the published process(.nupkg file in the orchestrator ) back in the studio

i have published one of my process into orchestrator and its running fine and well .
now i dont have the process i have created and need to restore .
I have permission only to download the .nupkg file from orchestrator and donot have anything else .
I have tries importing the package . it imported only dependencies , but not the process itself .
Let me know if there is any way .

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yah of course from the folder

Cheers @Abhishek_Aithal1

hi @Palaniyappan
I have imported the package downloading from orchestrator .
I could see all the dependencies imported too with the project name .
But where do i get to see the process that i have created and how do i trigger it from the studio .
Please assist .uipath

usually the xaml files will have the process we need with sequence of activities
and we wont be able to schedule from studio and it can be done only from ORCHESTRATOR with schedule option under TRIGGERS
For more details

Cheers @Abhishek_Aithal1

so once the package is deployed as nupkg file in the orchestrator , is it not possible to open that .nupkg file as process and modify ?

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Yah of course we can
We need to extract that nuget Package by right click and then extract so that all the xaml and other folders and files in it will get extracted and then it can be modified
And if we want that modified process to be used from there in orchestrator we need publish it again to orchestrator
And in orchestrator we need to upgrade the package version so that when the process is ran it will execute the lates updated package

Cheers @Abhishek_Aithal1

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look into the lib\net45 folder, but most likely this is not supported by UiPath so be carefull to not lose your projects :slight_smile:


Hi, When I right click on nupkg file I do not see extract option, It is having Open with option. Could you please share steps how can I open nupkg in studio.

Hi Mohini,
Please rename the extension from .nupkg to .zip. so you can able to unzip the file and can able to see all the project file.


Thank you.

Hi @Abhishek_Aithal1,

As @Palaniyappan suggest and then @bcorrea explain more details. You need to
•‘unmount’ the nuget files in a folder and
•Inside the folder named ‘lib’ there should be another folder named ‘net’ (could have a number too) will see the .xamls files.

This just happened to me!

Be Safe everone!


Thank you for this! :smiley:

Yes, this can be done.
First, you need to extract/unzip the .nupkg file. This can be done in two ways.

  • Either you can extract the .nupkg file directly
  • Or you can first rename the file extension from .nupkg to .zip and then unzip it via 7-Zip app
    Once, the file is extracted/unzipped the project files will be found in the \lib\net45 path.
    From UiPath Studio navigate to \lib\net45 and select the project.json

yes , thank you this the right answer