Can anyone help me with this error

Im using express license but Im unable to create queue in orchestrator on shared folder path and also when I created in my folder I got this error


Can you check if you are connected to the correct folder…on the bottom of the studio you can find which folder bot is connected to…


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Im connected to my folder


Is the same folder where you have the queue created?

If yes then can you check if your robot has access to queue in that folder…ypu can check that by going to the reapective robot and check the roles and see if it has access on queue


Can you please tell me where

HI @Bhushan_Nagaonkar

This could happen if you are using a modern folder in UiPath Orchestrator and the user has been removed from it.

  1. Check if the user still exists in Orchestrator and has access to the folder
  2. Update your UiPath activities to the latest version


User is mentioned over there. Activities are up to date also

Hi @Bhushan_Nagaonkar

Can you check the Folder that Assign in the Studio as well as in the orchestrator also?




First go to tenants and robots and click on shield icon and see if the robot has access to the target folder where queue is present

Then go to the respective folder and click on users
User users click on roles and select add and click on queues


Im unable to click on shield


Are you not the admin?

then please ask you admin to provide access accordingly to the queue or the folder.

Can you check in the folder where you have the queue created…go to users tab and see if you are able to see the user connected to your machine


ok sure, will definitely ask for that

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I tried everything but the error is still there. Is there any other way to fix this @Anil_G


Can you show your activity what you are using and show us the folder connected to studio and the queue in orchestrator

Possible reasons could be that
The folder name is incorrect or has some extra characters…


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The issue got fixed thankyou for your time


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