I need to get dates from the calendar where it should navigate to the years/months and select the date that it’ll be reading from the queue. But I am having trouble indicating the element on the website with the correct selectors in the UI Explorer.
It’s selecting the dates from the calendar as I have to get start date and end date, so when I click on start date the calendar pops up, so I use click activity to click on October 2024 to get other years or months, but it is selecting idx in the selector after indicating the element, which I should not be using according to my requirements.
I am not able to read it (click on it) without idx. Has anyone any suggestion or solution regarding it.

Hello @Vijaylakshmi_2 ,
I had something similar a while ago.
I did it with an if where I decided if I want to select the next year or the current year.
In Case of this year I worked with the selector and variables in the selector:
<webctrl aaname='« {{thisYear}} » Today Clear' tag='TABLE' />
<webctrl aaname='{{thisYear}}' tag='TH' />
The Calender changed a litte depending in which state it was after clicking.
<webctrl aaname='{{thisYear}}' parentid='date-picker' tag='SPAN' />
<webctrl aaname='{{TariffMonth}}' parentid='date-picker' tag='SPAN' />
is my Variablename.
So you could also try to work with variables in your selector to select the right date.
Kind Regards
Hi Lukas,
I have passed variables in the selector dynamically.
I have attached the images on how the calendar navigates to the years, using a click activity, so I have passed a variable in the year click activity (where the years are navigated) for getting the required year.
Image where I have passed the year variable dynamically-

Hello @Vijaylakshmi_2,
you will have to try around by yourself. Because I don´t have the exact same calendar as you.
Mine looks like this:
With a click on 2024 in the “UI-Explorer” I get this:
which I used to click on it with my variable depending on which year it is. .
Maybe you can try it like this?.
Kind Regards
Hi @lukas.gamper ,
Thank you for the suggestions, I’ll try it once.
I have passed the variables for year and I am getting variable is not defined in the current scope. The scope is correct scope only, and I have been getting the values for the variables in the immediate panel, so also getting the data from the queue as I am getting the values for the variables I am passing dynamically.
What is this error about any solutions there?
Hello @Vijaylakshmi_2,
I honestly don´t know what to tell you. Are your variables the right format, “string”, “int32”?
maybe you can get rid of excess attributes like “class= table-condensed” or “Visibleinntertext='…” and it will work?
I have it pretty simple (slim selector) and it works fine. I did the year selection with an Int32 and the Month with a string.
- you could try using “Default” values for your variable to try if it works then.
- you could try writing the value of your wished variable into the selector to see if it works
Kind Regards.