Calculate Client Security Hash assignment submission

Hi @BenMar,

I am have some trouble getting my Calculate Client Security Hash assignment to pass. I am having a few issues:

  1. The Client ID, Client Name and Client Country is showing up in SHA1 Online as “ClientID.ClientName.ClientCountry” instead of “ClientID - ClientName - ClientCountry”. I have followed all the directions but it still shows up in the wrong format.

  2. I have been having selector issues, particularly with the add comment box for the “Update Work Item” section. I have tried UI explorer to correct this issue but when the pop-up box is no longer there, it does not validate the selector for the add comment box.

Can you please help me on this? I have been working on this assignment for three weeks.

The forum is not allowing me to post the file so I can send it through email if possible.

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