I completed Level 3 Assignment 1 and it is working good on my device.I didn’t reset the test data but during submission of the assignment…It simply shows 0/100 at the evaluation stage…Looking forward for help
Thanks in Advance
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Check assignment evaluation result where it got failed. So that we can help you better.
Please check any spaces in between Client details at the time of entering into SHA site. Could you show me screenshot of how BOT is entering ?
Remove that square brackets and then try. Because of this your assignment got failed.
Thank you so much…can you please tell me…what should i do to remove square brackets ?
I guess you are using Type Into activity to type client details right. Show me once how you are passing these details here.
You have to enter client details without Square brackets.
If you observe clearly there is some space after hypen “-”. It is also an issue.
Please Trim the client details before entering into it.
I checked the output values using breakpoint…it is entering correctly…at SHA1 site it seems like having a space between the credentials
Now it’s ok.
I tried to submit the assignment by submitting in Zip format and by video recording too…can you tell me any other ways to submit the assignment?
We have to submit the process folder in zip format only and we don’t have any other option to submit. That video recording one is optional.
Same failure is happening again:
Stiil Have the same problem I can’t go forward in the course !
I have same problem. All validation good. Working as expected. Did not reset data. Below is my screen shot. Please help me here.
I am able to resolve it. I used string trim start and trim end to remove spaces in client information before passing it hash function.
But feed back would be nice if they provide us errors that need to be corrected.
I found the same problem and tried to fix it as below but isn’t resolved. Please correct me. This is the TypeInto activity function that goes into hash-generator site:
in_ClientDetails.Item(“ClientID”).ToString.TrimStart.TrimEnd+“-” +in_ClientDetails.Item(“ClientName”).ToString.TrimStart.TrimEnd +“-” +in_ClientDetails.Item(“ClientCountry”).ToString.TrimStart.TrimEnd