Bromium Windows Security Update

Hello All,

I had Windows 10 Security update on my laptop and all workflows are failing this week when web is involved.

Below is Selector for click text activity last week

this week selector for click text activity is as below and it doesn’t work
it is also not allowing to do live attachment .

It works with citrix/web recording …below is the selector


For all selectors when web is involved they are getting Bromium.vSentry.Console.Window
and the selectors are not working as expected … I couldn’t find the required selector in Ui explorer.

I think Bromium.vSentry.Console.Window is malware tool and not showing the selectors …
did any one faced this issue ? any idea how to solve this

Have the same problem. Anyone who found a solution?

Checking back to see if there is an easy resolution found for this?
