Bot execution suddenly pauses in the middle with no exception, no errors for unlimited time.(UiPath Studio & bot version is 2018.4.3)

I am working with excel files, most of the time bot works fine but sometimes bot execution halts in between with no exceptions and errors.

  • Bot execution suddenly pauses in the middle with no exception, no errors for unlimited time.(UiPath Studio & bot version is 2018.4.3).

  • Bot generally pauses execution during Copy Process to Shared Drive where I am copying excel files from local directory to shared drive.

  • When checked in execution logs with Verbose level there are no exception of errors recorded. :frowning:
    It becomes difficult to find the roots cause of the issue due to this.

  • I want to know how I can raise the exception if bot becomes idle doing nothing for specific amount of time. (How I can check if bot is idle).

  • Is there any other location where I can find logs with granular level.


Could this be a timeout issue? Perhaps you could do a debug and and a debug write line for each section of your process so you’ll be able to check the logs where the bot stops

@strqsr: Yeah I did the same. Bot generally stops during copying files to shared drive.
Any option to check if the bot got stuck during this activity?


Could you elaborate? Does it not copy the file path/ Navigate to folder/Paste Filepath into filename input?

What methods of debugging have you tried if you don’t mind me asking.
Are you using any try/catch activity to see if there could be a hidden exception that wasn’t catched before

This is my copy to shared drive sequence with try-catch block :-

You used an all encompassing system exception error? What about your try, did you write a debug line to check if the process runs?

If you’re using Orchestrator have you tried this method?

Hi Yogesh,

Does your problem resolved , if yes please let me know how.

Thanks and Regards,