Beta C# Mode not working :(

I just was testing new C# mode in UiPath Studio Beta Channel with this workflow but it’s not working

Complete results are contained in the Data property of this exception. Please correct the errors in the source and retry the Load.
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Compile(IDynamicActivity dynamicActivity, LocationReferenceEnvironment environment)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(XmlReader xmlReader, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.ActivityXamlServices.Load(Stream stream, ActivityXamlServicesSettings settings)
at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowRuntime.Load(String workflowFile)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.InitWorkflowApplication()
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.d__61.MoveNext()

is someone actually testing this feature?
How to report Beta Channel issues?


Hi @asesor-rpa

We’ll have a look :slight_smile:

I forwarded your findings to our team. In the meantime, I found out that slightly modifying the assignment like this will work:

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Thanks @loginerror I found same thing you mention here, C# Mode is a bit “strict” in Syntax, But it’s working :slight_smile:

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