Hi Team,
Do we have BAPI functionality to call in UI Path?
ie : In UI Path if pass the Input Parameter we need to get the output Parameter in UI Path Using BAPI function.
Could anyone please help on this.
Hi Team,
Do we have BAPI functionality to call in UI Path?
ie : In UI Path if pass the Input Parameter we need to get the output Parameter in UI Path Using BAPI function.
Could anyone please help on this.
Hello @Vijay_2694,
I have not worked yet with BAPI functionality in UiPath, but maybe this could help you:
Best Regards.
Hello @Vijay_2694,
I tested the UiPath SAP BAPI Activities Pack and it works good.
Here my test results with the BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL RFM as a collection of images.
To your question: UiPath takes all steps for you, also the creating of the target objects. All I have to do is to create a variable, in my case address, from the type DataRow which contains the data.
Best regards
Here the SAP BAPI Explorer with some details about BAPI_USER_GET_DETAILS
Now the four steps with the UiPath BAPI Wizard
Here the standard with open SAP connection, BAPI call and close SAP connection
Last but not least a few details in the output window of UiPath and the corresponding entries from the SAP system
Hi @StefanSchnell,
I have installed that activity from packages, but i couldn’t able to get that activity on my activities pane.
Later I even checked for the Installation pre-requirites for the BAPIs and installed the .NETFrameWork 3.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. But even after that also I am not getting that activity.
Kindly help me on this.
Hi @StefanSchnell,
Thanks For your Explanation.
Could you please tell me the Version of the UI Path Studio.
Also Is it a Community Version or a licensed one?
Hello @Vijay_2694,
thanks for your message.
My scenario: I use an environment without an SAP GUI for Windows installation. I installed dotNET Framework 4.6.2 and the Micsrosoft C++ Runtime DLLs version 10.0 (this is contained in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributables) and after that I installed SAP dotNET connector from here - to download it you need an SAP service user. And after that all worked well without any problems, as I described in my post.
Best regards
Hello @StefanSchnell,
I use the Community version 18.4.0 of UI Path. But when I install the BAPI activity from the Packages. I am getting the below Error message.
The following package(s) can not be installed:
UiPath.SAP.BAPI.Activities 1.0.0
i am also facing same issue
LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
when i tried to ping the server from my CMD its connecting but when i try to connect it giving the above mentioned error…
i have installed SAP connector in my macahine…
but still the issue persist…
hi ,
I am not getting any message displayed in the output window. How are you displaying the values
Hello @Vijay_2694,
sorry for my delayed reply, here my XAML file.
Best regards
Main.xaml.zip (3.0 KB)
Hello @Namit_Bhandari,
as you can see in my last image I get from address structure field LASTNAME with the following WriteLine command in UiPath.
Best regards
Hello community,
I used with my actual tests UiPath Studio 2019.1.0 and UiPath.SAP.BAPI.Activities 1.1.0, and all works as expected and without any problems
Best regards
Thank You @StefanSchnell.
For clearing all my doubts. Now I can able to use the BAPI functionality.
I’m just starting to study UI Path not long ago, (±1 week) and I need to use SAP BAPI functionality so I tried to install the package. But, I always failed and get this message no matter what version I install. I also already installed the 32bit (x86) .NET 4.0 Variant of the SAP Connector for Microsoft .NET 3.0 (NCo 3.0). But the result is just the same:
Hello @worry,
here an image guide to install SAP NCo and UiPath BAPI connector successfully.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable first.
Then install SAP NCo.
In the next selection screen choose Install assemblies to GAC.
Now you can install UiPath SAP BAPI activity.
I tried it with a Windows 10 installation, the SAP NCo 3.0.21 and UiPath 2019.3.0. All works well and as expected.
I tried it with a Windows 11 installation, the SAP NCo 3.0.24 and UiPath 2022.4.0. All works well and as expected.
Best regards
This worked well for me! Thank you very much. It’s solved now.
Do you know if it works on Studio version 2018.1.4?
I’ve installed everything that you asked, and I couldn’t find the SAP Connector icon.