Please help to solve SAP Problem. to download Archive document which is in the .pdf format. but unable to download .please help me solve this problem. Icon is Archive document and Icon which is in Adobe Acrobat format then the .pdf file downloaded successfully.
Please let us know where exactly you are facing an issue in Downloading a File from SAP.
If you could provide us Screenshots and explain as to what kind of Error as occurred/ or after What Step you are facing difficulties, it would be helpful for us to assess the problem and help you faster in reaching a solution.
Seems the Procedure or the Step that you want to perform is Clear. Could you please answer on the below questions, so that we have an idea what are the next steps for Debugging.
Are you not able to perform the Download even manually for the Archived document (not by UiPath)?
Does the Error "Attachment list Errors occurred when the function was executed" appear when you Click on the Generate Button?
If that is the case, the primary way would be to ask and Confirm How the Business does this Operation.
Since, even manually we cannot save the file, we would not be able to do it using UiPath as well.
However, if there is an Toolbar Option to Restore the Archived Document first, then we could give a Try on that and then Perform Download.
Although, I think the Business Steps on How to Download the Archived Document needs to be Confirmed first. But if there are no extra Steps required on Downloading a Archived file, maybe we need to Check on some other Configurations like Permissions and such.