Attach Link to body of email - file path


While using Send Outlook Mail activity i want to add the link to a file in a shared folder.

Can this be done?


You can simply try adding the path of the file in the shared folders in the attachments property of send outlook mail activity. If you have access to the shared folders, it will retrieve the file and attach to the mail @shawnmurray

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Yes, i did think of doing it that way, its just the users are used to how it is in the body of the mail with the link but it should hopefully be okay.
thanks @HareeshMR

Pardon, I don’t understand clearly @shawnmurray :slight_smile:

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Instead of attachment, i was trying to do this:

Does this make more sense?

Thanks @HareeshMR :slight_smile:

Oh, you want to add the hyperlink for the file in the shared folder @shawnmurray?

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Yes thats exactly what i want to do @HareeshMR

Simply make the entire body as HTML and add the hyperlink using the attribute tag as

<a href = " + the path you have " + >Click Me <//a> @shawnmurray

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I must be missing something somewhere…

Shawn @HareeshMR

I’m getting it correctly @shawnmurray

Please check if you have marked IsBodyHTML check box :slight_smile:


and href should be like this : "Click Me "

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I have done what you said and it still comes out as plain text.


Can you post the text in the body you have @shawnmurray?

I will send you the corresponding html. The text will be in the paragraph tag :slight_smile:

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Will do.

"Hi All,

Please see attached link for sufficent vs insufficient data to 31/07/2019:
<a href C:\Report\Report.xlsx>View Report"

Thanks @HareeshMR

Use this @shawnmurray

<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>Please see attached link For sufficent vs insufficient data To 31/07/2019:</p>
<p><a href C:\Report\Report.xlsx>View Report</a></p>

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I have copied it the same as you and i still running into the same problem!!

Any other ideas?

I’m getting it exactly fine @shawnmurray

Are you sure you checked the IsBodyHtml box? post the screenshot of what you are getting in the mail


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I will attach images.


Its checked.


This is the one missing right?

<p><a href="">google</a></p>

The link line should be like this , But I’m not sure why it is not working as it is working for me

It turns out i was ,missing the “=” in the href tag :upside_down_face:

Thanks for your help! @HareeshMR

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Is it working now @shawnmurray?