1.I like to know what is Name and Asset in Assets page in Config file-> Name is you can give anything for your project perspective, Asset is the asset name which you have created in Orchestrator.
2.Name in the Assets page has to match the value in the settings page, but what is the Asset field?-> there is no relationship between settings page and the asset page you do not need to maintain both.
3.Name in the Assets page is what we created the credential asset in Orchestrator- > Yes.
4. Do you have In_Config as a input argument with the type dictionary.?
Below is from the walkthrough of Assignment 1 in Advance level training.
"Add an Asset of the Credential type and write the username and password for System1. Make sure that the Asset name matches the value of the System1_Credential setting."
Can you please help me this: Is in_config type has to be Dictionary<String,Object> if i need to read from config file?
No, once you read it from the Excel it will return you the data table and the reframework which we have will convert that as a dictionary, and when you access this from any other workflow you have pass that as argument and which is of the type dictionary.
If you are using reframework and if you understand the template, you dont have to call anything
its all builtin, you just need to create argument where ever you are using the config values and you have to provide the proper asset names
Just for clarification; the below is taken from the current walkthrough. The last bullet should be done in Orchestrator and nothing needs to be done in the config.xlsx file/settings sheet correct? Would be great to get a bit more in depth info on “get Credential” vs “getappcredential” activities and how the config.xlsx file works in conjunction or not. Apologies, but it’s a bit confusing the way this is written - it implies that the something needs to also be added to the settings sheet in the config excel file. @Divyashreem@nadim.warsi
Walk-through says:
It’s a good practice to keep the values that are prone to changes in the configuration file. Open the Data\Config.xlsx workbook and switch to the Settings sheet.
Add settings for System1 URL and SHA1 Online URL.
The System1 application requires authentication; we’ll use Orchestrator Assets to store the credentials for System1. Add another setting, System1_Credential, to store the Credential name.
Add an Asset of the Credential type and write the username and password for System1. Make sure that the Asset name matches the value of the System1_Credential setting.
The last bullet point is directly dependent on the bullet points 1 and 2
Yes you have to take action only in the Orchestrator, but the name has to be the same as what you have in the config.xlsx
GetCredential is the activity that we use to get the details of the credential type asset that we create in the Orchestartor. Detailed description on the activity is in the link below:
whereas, GetAppCredential - this is one of the sequences what has been created as part of the Robotic Enterprise Framework that has been created following best practices for business processes.
Actually the config.xlsx is like a common property or settings file(if i speak in development terms)
It allows you to list and use the common settings or configurations(that is why the nomenclature) across the project. In this case the REFramework.
In simple processes/automation where you are not doing much you may not need to create one, but in terms of business process you have a lot of configuration example- URL, Credentials, queues.
In the REFramework, which UiPath is trying to make you familiar with during the assignments, this config file which is of xlsx type is used.
So In the InItAllSettings.xaml, which you can find under the Framework folder, the config.xlsx is read and all the data is stored in a Dictionary of Key and Values. like URL(key) - https://acme-test.com(value)
This you use through out your assignment/project to get the values.
Hence the implication. What you add in the sheet as key and value, you can use that in your process by providing the key and it will get you the value. Example below: