Arguments not visible for importing to an "Invoke Workflow File"

I extracted some parts of my whole process into separate workflows. Thus I also converted some variables to arguments (marked green) in order to use them in those workflows. But when I click on “Import Arguments” I only see the ones I already had in the workflow (marked red) - see screenshot below:

How do I get the missing arguments into the required workflow?
Thanks for support


Save the workflow, possible close and reopen, Then check once.

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Hi @sarathi125,
thanks for your fast reply.
But I already tried it and it changed nothing…

thats the problem
usually when we have assigned the arguments with values or variables in ARGUMENTS property, please dont click again or at any time the IMPORT ARGUMENTS option
as it will import the arguments freshly which are created in that workflow
so if we want to edit or view the arguments imported with values in a INVOKE WORKFLOW File activity click on the ARGUMENT property in the property panel of INVOKE WORKFLOW FILE acitivty and not the IMPORT ARGUMENTS

–and moreover once after importing the arguments and assign the value or variable to it from arguments property save the workflow and to see or edit click on arguments property

Cheers @MarcJo

thanks for your support. Honestly I still don’t know how to get the arguments into the “Invoke Workflow” activity. When I click the “Invoke Workflow” activity and check the “Properties” panel I don’t see any option to import arguments from the superordinate workflow.
Can you please specify a bit more how you would proceed?

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no worries
usually when we use INVOKE WORKFLOW FILE activity we will be calling the arguments created in the workflow which we have created in the xaml that we call using IMPORT ARGUMENTS option
–that option can be found only in the activity and not in the property panel
–while once after importing the arguments we need to pass the value or variable to those arguments right
–for that we should click on the ARGUMENTS property

–here we can mention the values or variables we want and then SAVE THE WORKFLOW

now comes the point
–if we want to view or edit the values or arguments again we should not click on the IMPORT ARGUMENTS option rather we should click on the ARGUMENTS property in the property panel and make changes
–if we click on the IMPORT ARGUMENTS it will again freshly import the arguments from the workflow we have called and it wont have any value or variables in it
which is the issue we were facing here

–unless we need to import a new argument from the workflow called we should not click on the import arguments option

Cheers @MarcJo

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From the screenshot provided

The arguments marked in Green belong to the current workflow.
The arguments marked in red are arguments in the Invoked workflow.

When you click on Import Arguments you have to map the arguments of the Invoked Workflow to variables/arguments (of the same type) in the Current workflow.

Thus DataTable_Eingangsdatum (from the Invoked workflow) should be mapped to a variable or argument of the same type (DataTable) in the current/calling workflow


Aktuellstes_Eingagsdatum from the InvokedWorkflow should be mapped to a varaible or argument of the same type(Generic) in the current/Calling workflow.

As a test:
In the Calling workflow(the workflow from where you invoke the “Auswahl und Abspeichern den korrekten Dokument…” create 2 variables
Var1 of Type DataTable and
Var2 of type Generic.

Now in the Import Arguments assign DataTable_Eingangsdatum to var1 and Aktuellstes_Eingagsdatum to var2.

Run the process in debug mode to see the var1 and var2 data.

Hope this helps.

Thanks @SowmyaLeo,
but I actually want the two green arguments to be imported to the invoke workflow.
I expected them to appear in the “Import Arguments” table so that I can simply import them.
But apparently they are not.
So how do I get the green arguments (from superordinate workflow) into the invoke (subordinate) workflow?
Do I have to create them again in this workflow?

yah of course
because the invoked workflow is in different sequence and only in that seqeunce we have those arguments and not on the xaml that we have called in INVOKE WORKFLOW FILE

so we need to create those two arguments (marked in green) in the workflow that we have invoked using invoke workflow file activity
then press IMPORT ARGUMENTS you will be able to see them

Cheers @MarcJo


Hope this helps:

Open the Workflow “Auswahl und Abspeichern den korrekten Dokument…”
Go to the arguments pane in that workflow.
Create the arguments:
Name: arg1 - Direction In - Argument Type: String
Name: arg2 - Direction In - Argument Type: Boolean

Save the workflow.

Come to the Calling workflow and click on Import arguments. Now for arg1 assign Ablageordner_GNs
and arg2 assign Mherere_PDFs_offen

Save the workflow.

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But why do I have to create one and the same argument in two different workflows?
I thought the difference between variables and arguments is that arguments do NOT have to be created several times in order to use them in different workflows. Creating an argument once and then importing it to all required workflows is not possible???

yah thats possible

but you said you want to import those arguments as well and to see them in IMPORT ARGUMENTS window…thats why suggested that option to create them and see

if we want to use them with their value then we can pass the arguments from current workflow as input value to the arguments in INVOKED WORKFLOW


@SowmyaLeo …and then I have to use arg1 and arg2 in the calling workflow in order to retrieve the values from the actual arguments (marked green)?

Yes @MarcJo

It worked, thanks!

@SowmyaLeo now I face another issue where I have to pass the yellow marked argument from the first invoked workflow to the second one:

How does this work?
Thanks in advance


From the screenshot above create 2 variables

var1 - Type: GenericValue
var2 - Type: DataTable

Where you have both the sequnces.

From the first invoked Workflow - assign the argument to the Values var1 and var2 .
Now in the 2nd workflow Pass var1 and var2 as the Values.

Hope this helps.

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