Arguments disappear

Hi, Strange things are happening in our kingdom…

workflow had been saved with few arguments and without any validation errors,
closed and then immediately opened again: there are no arguments left and plenty validation errors. Studio 2019.5, Project UiPath core is 2019.5 and also I’ve tried 2019.4

please see attached screenshots

Any ideas what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you
PS issue some where around “save” operation

Hi buddy @alex.glebov

Welcome to UiPath community

Fine whenever arguments are entered to a workflow and assigning it with a value, we need to SAVE the file
And very next time when we are about to search for the value of a argument or even to change the value of the arguments in the INVOKE WORKFLOW Activity, we need to search for them in ARGUMENT property in the invoke workflow Activity… Don click on the import arguments that would import freshly without any values. This is said in addition only
So for your scenario click save the file once after creating arguments in it and check once buddy

Hope this would help
Kindly try this and let know if any queries
Cheers @alex.glebov

Hi Palaniyappan,
Sorry to say , but You did not pass “test for humanity” :slight_smile:
“workflow had been saved” is a key phrase


Issue is in workflow XAML file. The best and quickest solution is to create a new file, copy& paste all activities from damaged one, add all arguments and save it. New file will keep arguments. then use the new file. I killed old file and rename new appropriately to keep name of file

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