App Studio: Controlling the "Start Page" based on the User Role


We have an Application with Multiple Pages, where we need to display the “Start Page” based on the user role.
Currently there is an option manually set the start page, but I could not find a property I can set programaticaly.


Thanks in Advance.


You can create a main page and in main page you can write a rule to navigate page based on roles.

So basically u can do something like when page load check user roles and if user roles match with certain role then go to particular page using rules.

Thanks a lot. I will give it a try and will let you know the result.

Thanks and Regards.

What kind of variable is storing the logged in user role?

@hgaber105 ,


Current user is a function into VB apps to get logged in user details.

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Thanks a lot for your continual support and help. I was able to check the Groups assigned to the logged in user using “CurrentUser.Groups”
Thanks a lot again for your valuable inputs.

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