Page refresh

When a UiPath app has multiple pages, and if say on page 2 the user refreshes the browser window we are automatically sent back to page 1.

For example lets take a situation where in page 1 is a login page and page 2 is where we allow user to perform certain actions, while on page 2 if user refreshes the browser page the app sends him/her back to login page which is not desirable outcome, not sure if there is a workaround on this, but i have not found any so far


One way to do this is create an App Status Entity in Data Service and add a field to track the current page the user is on.

On Load of the main page, check the value of the current page and issue the Pop-up command if they were on another page.

Open the page:

Update the record when your user navigates to each page:

The caveat is that the Main Page needs to fully load first before the logic kicks in. One way to work around this is to keep the Main Page a blank “loading” page and put all your contents in other pages.

I’ve attached sample exported app. make sure to create the Data Service entity before loading the importing the App. Let me know if this helps or need more info.

TrackPage.uiapp (112.2 KB)


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@nithin_ramesh ,

Unlike traditional web approaches, apps do not rely on separate query strings or cookie management for maintaining app state. Consequently, when you perform a hard refresh on the page, it will revert back to the default state of the main page, rendering it impossible to preserve any changes made.
