Render homepage based on login credentials provided are exist or not in Data service


Created a register, login and homepage in UiPath apps, flow is ask for user to register if not exist and send user directly to homepage only if exist.
Currently able to send login data to Published process where checking for user exists or not, but how to get user exist status from process to apps and do follow actions?

Hey @Aakash_Singh_Rawat

You can get the user access status through the mapping of Process Main xaml file arguments to Apps.

But before that just curious to know if login page is really required ? As you can directly control the user access from the App’s inbuilt access feature ? Just a thought.


Hi @Nithinkrishna ,

Good idea, how to restrict homepage to open for specific users?

Hey @Aakash_Singh_Rawat

Oh okay, so you want to only restrict home page or the app itself ?


Maybe, register page for admin only so he can add users, and homepage for those whose emaild exist in data service entity.

Okay so basically it’s app access you are trying to control.

So what I believe the ideal way is to use the Access control already available.

Under every app we have the below feature, Kindly check once if that can fulfill your needs.


Thank you @Nithinkrishna.
It helped.

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Great @Aakash_Singh_Rawat Cool :slight_smile:

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