hi all,
Is there a way for me to keep this string without UiPath automatically converts it into “2023-July-10” when the excel data is as shown?
Hi @attkren1
You can use the format cell activity. It will format the datatype of the specified cells.
In format cell activity you can give the range after that you can select the general datatype then it will change to general.
Hope it helps!!
How can I do it when my workflow is already using another excel activity?
Sorry, Im confused
Hi @attkren1
Once try with check on Preserve Format option in Read Range Workbook activity
I hope it works!!
FYI, another approach:
Can you try to add “'” at the beginning of your string as the following?
"'" + yourString
It does not work too.
to my date string? or you mean to edit the data in excel?
Yes. Can you try it in UiPath?
still cannot.
It prints out '2023-Jul-10
Sorry but I had misunderstanding you want to input the data into excel.
How about the following expression?
hmm i want it in only numerical format. e.g. 7/28/23
it is still giving me 2023-Jul-10. I want it in only numerical format. e.g. 7/28/23
The above expression returns M/d/yy style string as the following.
Doesn’t this work for you?
ok realized that capital and small letters matter. thanks
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